Arabica Vs Robusta- Take Your Pick Wisely

Coffee today is available in various forms and all of its forms are loved equally by the people. It has been a go-to drink for ages but with so many flavours, desserts made from coffee, and several other forms in which it is consumed, we haven’t dived deeper into the origin of coffee. When it is the origin of coffee that we are talking about, we must mention the Arabica and Robusta coffee beans. These are the two most common types of coffees found in the market yet we aren’t much aware of the difference between arabica and robusta coffee. Let’s dig deep into this to know which of these two should be your next pick.

Arabica Vs Robusta: Know The Basics

As the name suggests, Arabica coffee is also known as Arabian coffee, as it comes from the Arabica plant. It is said that it is the first cultivated coffee species. Its origin lies in Ethiopia but is grown worldwide especially in countries like Brazil and Indonesia as they have tropical conditions and high elevations that are appropriate for the growth of Arabica coffee plants. Arabica beans are further subdivided into two categories- Typica and Bourbon.

Now coming to the second most preferred coffee type, Robusta coffee originally comes from the plant Coffea Canephora. This species makes up for 40% of global coffee production. It was initially grown in Sub-Saharan Africa and later its production also began in the east, especially in Indonesia, Vietnam and Africa. Apart from their origin and places of cultivation, the most common differences between the two beans are that of the flavour and characteristics.

Robusta tastes like oatmeal while unroasted Robusta beans smell like raw peanuts. Depending on its variety, Arabica beans have a varied taste range. They can taste sweet- soft and even have a tangy taste. When roasted, they give out a slightly fruity smell which is usually sweet. Both the beans have a different set of unique characteristics. For example, Robusta beans offer great immunity to diseases and are also more resilient plants than Arabica.

Decoding The Difference Between Arabica And Robusta Coffee

When it comes to the world of coffee, two titans reign supreme: Arabica and Robusta coffee. But beyond their shared caffeinated kick, these beans boast distinct personalities. Let's dive into their differences and help you choose your champion sip:

Caffeine Kick

  • Arabica: Packs a milder punch with 1.2-1.5% caffeine, offering a smoother buzz.
  • Robusta: Unleashes a bolder burst with 2.2-2.7% caffeine, delivering a powerful jolt.

Flavor Fiesta

  • Arabica: A refined palate pleaser, boasting complex sweetness, fruity notes, and a smooth finish.
  • Robusta: A bolder experience, offering earthy, nutty tones with a slight bitterness.

Cultivation Chronicles

  • Arabica: A fussy diva, requiring specific altitude, temperature, and care, leading to higher production costs.
  • Robusta: A resilient warrior, thriving in harsher climates and resisting pests, making it easier and cheaper to grow.

Price Point

  • Arabica: Its delicate nature and superior taste translate to a steeper price tag.
  • Robusta: Its ease of cultivation and stronger flavour profile make it a more budget-friendly option.

Beyond The Basics

  • Fat content: Arabica boasts more oils, contributing to its smooth mouthfeel.
  • Acidity: Arabica shines with brighter acidity, while Robusta leans towards lower acidity.
  • Roasting: Robusta can handle darker roasts better, maintaining its boldness.
Ending Note

While it depends entirely on an individual’s choice, there is honestly no superior species of coffee. Those who want their coffee to taste sweeter prefer Arabica beans while those who prefer the traditional coffee flavour which is generally a bitter flavour, enjoy consuming Robusta coffee more. Coffee in any form is always a good idea but having one’s own taste is equally important. Having said that, if you like your coffee sweet and fruity, you should go for Arabica beans and if you wish to experience earthy and bitter flavoured coffee, Robusta is the right pick for you.

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